"AL was almost bed ridden and was told by his chemo Dr that he should go on hospice and that yet another chemo stopped working, his cancer was the most aggressive he had seen and AL should prepare for end of life. Since starting the Tea, AL has improved in strength and mobility. He is able to get up and down without help. He can speed walk very easily. He can walk about 15 ft without the help of a walker. Before the Tea his cancer went up 1520 in 3 wks totally his PSA at 1700 since the Tea the following 3 wks it is still under 2000. He was smoking a pack a day and since the Tea he is down to 1/4 of that. Before the Tea he would have trouble going poop and at times it was 5 wks now he goes regularly. Before the Tea his side would bloat because of backup and be painful. Since the Tea he hasn't had any issues with it and that had been going on for 5 months. His family is amazed at the difference in seeing him since the Tea. Want to k ow what he is doing and how it is he is doing so much better. We don't know if the Tea will save him. We hope it does. But what we do know right now is that it is improving his quality of living. And that is a miracle in itself. We are ever so grateful for this Tea and the opportunity to see what it does do. We hope to have updates on the review. The Dr no longer is talking of hospice as per the last 2 visits and is back to being excited about him overcoming this that is how well the Tea is helping. "

Due to Crystal meth, other recreational drug use and excessive smoking
July 13, 2024:
"He sleeps alot and the chemo had him so sick. He has had maybe 6 cigs since we seen you. And he is drinking the drink and water. But mostly the drink right now. But he sleeps so much. It is hard to keep him awake. When I get home from work he is awake the longest. Otherwise he is only awake 15 mins sometimes 30 min here and there. But I see his color and I see his eyes look better. Idk how to explain. I see his body weak but his face and eyes seem stronger. I have someone stopping by while I am work today to help him drink more. Every time he says he loves me I look at the drink so he will take a sip. So when I was headed for work he had already finish"

"Just arrived at work but AL went and got bloodwork done and tomorrow we will get a copy when going for chemo. And he is getting ear checked. I think we both have a sinus infection. GJETTA taking him so I could get some rest. And not have to rush around this morning. He walked 16 ft without walker. Whoop whoop."

"I am so exhausted but I have good news. But I won't know for sire for a few more days. His family called all.dah wanting updates about his psa knowing his chemo is today and he needed blood transfusion because of chemo but he had chemo. And he goes tomorrow for another unit of blood. But until I know for sure what his psa count is only thing I know is is it is under 2000 I don't know where yet if it went down or not but why i do know is last chemo it went up 1500. And then to add hours of blood and then did a crab boil with friends. I cooked. I exhausted. but I needed to let you know what I do know so far. Praise the Lord. The Dr was amazed at his condition. All will be in review. Look for it tomorrow. Big hugs. "

Mr. Paul N.
Glucose, cholesterol, urine, and other labs
May 20, 2024
I was very obese (over 300 lbs), taking blood pressure and thyroid medications for over 20 years, and I am in my mid-80s.
I had chronic kidney disease and polyps in the past and had surgery to remove part of my intestine about 10 years ago; some more polyps were removed 6 yrs ago but since I started to take the drink supplement, no evidence of polyps was seen on my last colonoscopy. I was referred to an endocrinologist but stopped seeing him since my kidneys improved.
Also, all my labs were perfect in 2021 during the pandemic, and they did tons labs that year. My doctor said that he wanted to put a picture of lab results on his wall to show that he treats healthy people.
I had the Delta strain of the COVID-19 virus in 2020, and it was painful but only last 5 days; I was dinking the supplement then, so I know this really helped me to recover fast at home with not going to the hospital.
I never had labs that were 100% in range before taking the supplement; yes, Dr. Soy advised me on eating healthy meals as well.
My eye doctor was amazed as my sight also improved and I lost weight too (about 75 lbs over 6
years), so I owe it to the supplement drink and the small changes I made to my diet as per Dr. Soy’s suggestions. I want to be a testament of how this drink can change your life and make you feel heathy.

Rach's testimonial
Hep C Liver restored
Oct., 2023:
I was diagnosed with hepatitis C in 2009, and my viral load was over 7 million. I had gotten if from IV heroin use for 20 yrs, then was being treated with methadone to deal with withdrawals, but I didn’t want to use another drug to fix the addiction issue from heroin. It had become normal every day to just feel fatigued. I went for a follow up visit with my doctor in August of 2023 and she told me if I didn't do something I was going to start seeing serious problems like kidney failure and liver failure, possibly cirrhosis. So, I agreed to start Mavyret for 8 weeks, which was prescribed to me, but it made me sick most days. I had taken this same medication for 3 weeks 5 years ago and had to stop it due to pregnancy, but it still didn’t have any effect on the viral load 5 years ago. Dr. Soy, being a close friend, was ready to get involved after I consulted her. The first thing she told me about was a natural drink supplement I could take every day that she designed and researched that helped others. She said that it was made with vegetables, fruits, and herbs so I needed to let her know what I am allergic to, and that I needed to eat healthy, and I followed her suggestions. I took the drink once daily for 8 weeks, and I started feeling better right away within 24 hours. I started having a bowel movement every day, which was not the normal for me. The amount of natural energy I now had was incredible. I had to start drinking it first thing in the morning instead of at night or I would not be able to sleep, and Dr. Soy mentioned that mental alertness with increased energy was noted in a few others who took the supplement. I had so much energy. This was fascinating to me because doing anything for so long would tire out me quickly, and everyday chores were exhausting. I no longer took naps in the middle of the day! I felt like it was cleaning my cells from the inside. My skin glows, and my hair is healthy and shiny. I went for my last labs and the doctor said I am undetectable for hepatitis C 12 weeks later. I know Dr. Soy is doing something life changing, and I am a testament to it, and forever grateful.
Lab results:
Jan 24, 2022
Hepatitis C Antibody Screen Result
[H] >11.00 Index (<=0.79) *12
Hepatitis C Antibody Scrn Interpretation
[A] Reactive
Aug 16, 2023
Tests: (5) HCV RT-PCR, Quant (Non-Graph) (550362)
Hepatitis C Quantitation
7090000 IU/mL
Oct 24, 2023
Tests: (5) Hepatitis C Virus RNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR (905541)
Hepatitis C Virus RNA (IU/mL)
<15 Not Detected IU/mL <15 Not Detected *5

Impaired liver and kidney due to excessive alcohol intake for years
"If you are looking for some awesome, knowledgeable, kind, people to work with, these are the guys I highly recommend. Their friendliness an result-driven approach is what I love about them. They really save y life so I can see y children graduate and marry. "